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Preserving Heritage with Expertise

At Fraser Smith Construction, our Lime Services are dedicated to preserving the timeless beauty and integrity of heritage structures. We understand the unique demands of working with lime, a traditional building material that has stood the test of centuries. Whether it's restoring historical facades, repairing lime mortar joints, or breathing new life into heritage buildings, our lime services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your preservation project.

Tailored Lime Solutions

Our expert team collaborates closely with you to assess the requirements of your heritage restoration project. Whether you're looking to maintain historical accuracy, ensure structural stability, or simply rejuvenate the charm of lime-built architecture, our lime services are customised to match your vision. We prioritise authenticity and utilize traditional lime-based materials and techniques to ensure that your heritage structure not only looks stunning but also retains its cultural and architectural significance. At Fraser Smith Construction, we aim to be the custodians of history, preserving the legacy of lime-built heritage for generations to come.